Friday, August 31, 2007

Teenaged Wasteland... Take Me to The Riot!

Acrylic On Canvas

40" x 30"

I've been rather hesitant to discuss the following subject on this site mainly because I think the focus should be the art not the artist. However, I've grown rather worn down by peoples ignorance on the following subject so I hope that if anyone actually reads this blog that they bare with me on this one. When I was ten years old I was diagnosed with Tourette's Syndrome. My symptoms are relatively minor and many people do not even realise that I have it. I do NOT shout out obscenities uncontrollably. Actually, the vast majority of people with Tourette's don't shout out obscenities uncontrollably. However when most people think of Tourette's that is the first thing that comes to mind. It has become so ingrained in our psyche that it has become every lazy untalented comics go to joke or punch line. Everyone laughs and then moves on. Rarely are people with Tourette's depicted as fully formed characters despite the fact that Tourette's is actually a very very funny disorder. Far funnier than most people realise. I guess the reason I'm saying this is because I am continually bombarded with a mainstream culture and mass media that have a rather narrow view of something that I deal with on a daily basis. Furthermore, I continue to be accused of being over sensitive when I complain about these jokes. People seem to be of the mind that I feel that Tourette's shouldn't be made fun of because of some sort of political correctness thing that I've got going on, but in actuality my problem isn't with Tourette's being the butt of a joke, instead my problem is with Tourette's being made the butt of such an unfunny joke. I would love to see a character with Tourette's on a show like South Park or a Farrelly Brother's movie because Tourette's is actually a very funny disorder if people would actually pick up a goddamn book and read about it! I apologise for this tantrum of sorts and this blog will soon return to it's reguarly scheduled program out art but I just had to get this off my chest


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